Online service
Apply for funding and report the project in online service.
Maintenance break in online service on 23.1. at 6-12 pm and 6.3. at 7-11 pm.
Before you login, make sure that your information in the service is up to date. You can change your phone number and the email address that is used as your username to the online service.
Update your contact information
Make sure that your information in the service is up to date. You can change your phone number and the email address that is used as your username to the Business Finland online service. If you need access to a new project, contact the administrator to grant access to the email address that is your username.
All information related to the project is processed confidentially. However, after the funding application has been submitted, the name of the applicant, amount of the funding you applied for and document number of the application are public information. If an application is refused, the name of the applicant and the amount of funding they applied for is public information. Read more about the service’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
If you want to cancel your application, please do so on the Application summary and submission page. Cancellation of an application terminates its processing. A cancellation of an application may only be submitted by the administrator of application, accountable project leader, contact person or a person authorised to sign for the company.
You can pause the application process and resume it at a later time. The form is saved automatically. We will not begin processing the application until you click Submit.
Everyone included on the application may edit the same form; however, they may not do so at the same time.
You may edit or add to the application form in our online service while the application's status is 'processing' in the service. The application will be given the 'processing' status on the following weekday.
The decision takes effect after you have approved the decision and the related funding terms and conditions. Approve the funding decision within the time period mentioned in the decision.
You will see a note that there’s a decision waiting for approval on the service’s homepage under “Issues awaiting action”. If there are specific prerequisites that need to be fulfilled before the decision takes effect, the decision can be approved only once these prerequisites have been fulfilled.
If you are not going to accept the funding, please inform Business Finland’s registry.
Once your sole representative rights for a business have been recorded in the Trade Register, you can approve decisions in the online service. Your signature authorization will be verified from the Trade Register upon log-in when you use the identification. Contact the Patent and Registration Office to correct your company's information in the Trade Register.
Approve the decision in the online service
Use this form to approve funding decisions if you do not have sole representative rights recorded in the Trade Register. Do not forget to include your bank account details. If there are more than two representatives, you can add more signature rows by unprotecting the table in the Excel ribbon from the menu bar Check > Unprotect Table.
Send the form to the registry by encrypted e-mail
Research institutes, universities and universities of applied sciences will always accept the decision in Business Finland’s online service. In order to make the approval possible, the people who approve the research organization’s funding decisions must have sufficient rights to the projects in the online service.
For the purpose of maintaining access rights, research organizations must provide Business Finland’s registry (kirjaamo(at) with a list of people who have the right to approve the decision on behalf of the beneficiary according to the regulations or some other authorization. The list must be updated whenever changes are made.
Approve the decision in the online service
If you are unsatisfied with the decision, you can apply for a rectification. The decision includes instructions for how to file for a rectification.
In some funding services, it is possible to transfer a funding decision to another company. Situations and procedures are described on the page Changes, under Restructuring arrangements and/or transferring the project to another company.
Each transferred funding decision must be approved by the receiving company on a separate form. The funding decision must be approved within the time limit specified in the notification of the decision to transfer the funding decisions. Notification of the decision only goes to the original beneficiary, so the original beneficiary must inform the receiving company of the decision.
Be sure to enter the account number on the second tab of the form. If you have more than two signers for a form, you can add signature rows when you unprotect the table from the Excel ribbon Check > Unprotect Table.
Send the form to Business Finland register office by secured mail
If the funding granted to the project is a loan and the loan is transferred to a new holder, the customer must submit the following attachments to the State Treasury:
Even the most well-planned project might undergo changes: the responsible person changes, you need more time, work that was planned to be completed internally must be ordered from a third-party supplier or the costs exceed the budget. You will need a prior approval from Business Finland for most project changes.
If the bank account, into which the payments of the project funding have been paid, changes, send the new bank account number using the template Y1. Send a signed copy of the template to Business Finland's record office by secure email. The template requires the official signature of the organization.
A report and cost statement can be prepared by several persons, but not at the same time. Persons with valid access rights to a project may view and complete the report. Only the supervisor responsible for the project (and in parts of funding services, a person with signing authorization) may approve and submit a report to Business Finland.
Business Finland provides project funding on the basis of reports and cost statements. The beneficiary must keep a record of project costs as referred to in the funding terms and conditions. The funding terms and conditions include guidelines for the costs that can be approved for your project and how to report your project's progress. Read the funding decision and terms and conditions carefully and discuss them with the accounting firm or accountant responsible for your cost statements. You can find the decision as well as the terms and conditions that apply to your project in the online service.
If the funding terms and conditions applied to your project require an auditor's report in the connection of the final report, inform the auditor about the project as soon as it starts.
After creating an account, you may begin filing a new application. The person that creates the application is automatically made the administrator of the application and the project. The administrator will have rights to manage user access. Add contact persons, responsibilities, and other persons you want to have access to review and edit the application to the project.
If you need access to an existing project and you are not the main user or administrator, ask them to grant you access. A Business Finland advisor may also grant you access at the request of the responsible supervisor. Use this form to file such a request. Project access must be added to the same email address that you used to register your account.
Our online service is supported on the following browsers:
Test or beta versions of these browsers, or browser versions that are no longer supported, cannot be used. If you are using another browser, we cannot guarantee full functionality. You are responsible for the security of your device. Please keep your browser up to date in accordance with the browser provider's recommendation.
The project administrator may grant and revoke access to project information. The online service grants administrator access automatically to the first person to open and save an application.
Add users to a project after submitting your application
Removing a user from a project
First select your project and then 'Users'.
If your organization is operating a large number of Business Finland-funded projects, we recommend that your organization assign an administrator. An organization administrator can grant and revoke access within the organization. Typically, universities and large businesses which require an administrator.
Applying for organization administrator access
Removing users from a project or the organization
Use the latest version of any of the most common browser software:
The functionality of the services is not guaranteed if you are using any other browser. Please update your browser according to the browser vendor's recommendations. As a user, you are responsible for the security of your device.
We advise you in matters related to the use of the online service on business days from 9 am to 12 am and 1 pm to 3 pm: +358 29 469 5800.
You can also send us your question by using the form below.
If you have questions about the application, reporting or contents of the cost statement, please contact your project's contact person directly.
Send a question to service support