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Innovation cooperation between Finland and China

China is heavily investing in the innovation area, while looking for new growth and competitiveness. Special focus in the national plans is on new infrastructures, new technologies and sustainability, including, e.g., digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, reforming the healthcare with smart solutions, and aiming for carbon neutrality by 2060. This provides increasing amount of collaboration opportunities for Finnish companies.


Business Finland has established numerous frameworks to support Finland-China innovation collaboration on both national and provincial level, including Ministry of Science and Technology of China as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and Shanghai municipality.


In the innovation area, we provide information sharing, organize innovation workshops, do matchmaking and networking, give advising/coaching and fund the most promising innovation-driven projects through joint innovation calls. Joint innovation calls provide opportunities not only for joint R&D and piloting targeting in market entries and expansion, but also e.g. for standards and regulation contributions in strategic collaboration projects. It should be noted that Business Finland's FinChi Innovation Center located in Shanghai provides a soft-landing platform and related services for those companies who want to test whether their business and innovative approach can fly in China.

Innovation work in Business Finland China is done in close collaboration with people from innovation, foresight and export functions. We believe that innovations can help the current business to improve its competitiveness and that foresight can show the future opportunities to guide the innovation work – this continuum and two-way dialogue can pave the way for both economic growth and societal wellbeing.

From this China Innovation Collaboration page, you can find all the key information needed related to annual joint innovation and Market Access Program calls, innovation actions and accelerator programs as well as a summary of the eligibility, funding and submission issues concerning joint innovation calls. If something is missing, contact us and we will help you forward!

Think big and let us help you to boost your business with innovation!

Remarks on IPR

IPR is something that requires special attention when it comes to normal business but also when it comes to innovation and joint innovation projects. It is good to get familiar with trademark, patent, trade secret and copyright issues in China before entering collaboration actions with Chinese counterparts, considering that IP systems in Europe and China are different.

A good source of information is, e.g., European Commission's China IP SME Helpdesk pages. Their pages include webinars and e-learning options as well as factsheets and guides related to IP. Additionally, one can submit IP related questions and receive answers (free of charge) from the Helpdesk IP experts within 3 working days. Business Finland also regularly arranges business and innovation related IPR trainings, and in-depth business advise is available through the collaborator networks.

Remarks on China’s specific regulatory framework on data

Read the attached “China’s specific regulatory framework on data and how it impacts EU-China R&I collaboration” to know more about the recent regulatory changes that might affect your work or that are at least good to be aware of. The objective of the report prepared by the “EU Research and Innovation Knowledge Network on China” is to give an overview of applicable Chinese data laws which are relevant for the research and innovation sectors.

Remarks on China’s specific regulatory framework on data

Read also more about Cyber Security Law, Data Law and Personal Information Protection Law compliance from the business perspective for your reference, so that you are aware of the requirements that are applied if/when you aim to commercialize the RDI solutions in the China market or want to enter the China market in general with data-driven solutions.

Cybersecurity Data and Personal Information Compliance for EU SMEs in China 2022 (pdf)

Annual Clock 

Innovation calls 2024

Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai)–Finland Joint Innovation Call (opened on 28 February, 2024, closing on 25 September, 2024 note: Shanghai side submission deadline is 10 October, 2024)

Yangtze River Delta (Jiangsu)–Finland Joint Innovation Call (opened on 27 March, 2024; closing on 25 September, 2024)

Yangtze River Delta (Zhejiang)–Finland Joint Innovation Call (opened on 27 March, 2024; closing on 25 September, 2024)

MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) joint innovation call (opened on 19 June, 2024; closing on 29 November, 2024 (earliest))

Innovation actions 2024

Eligibility, funding and submissions

In the following, the main eligibility criteria, funding principles and submission information of the different Finland-China joint innovation calls are summarized. More specific information is indicated in the actual joint innovation call texts.


In all the Finland-China joint innovation calls, normal Business Finland eligibility criteria are applied. Moreover, eligible projects must include at least one Finnish partner and one Chinese partner – one side application only is not valid. Below, the main partner criteria related to the different calls are summarized.

The joint industrial R&D&I projects must be highly innovative and business oriented. The proposals should demonstrate applicant's resources for international collaboration, in case of the Finnish applicants especially for entering the Chinese markets. The proposal should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from both countries and the project must be balanced between participants and be significant to all partners.

The project partners should agree in advance on the IP rights and on the commercialization strategy of the product or process.

It is recommended to use the EU SME Center's "Are You Ready for China" self-diagnosis tool and European Commission's China IP SME Helpdesk pages for advice.

For more specific information about the eligibility, please see the actual joint innovation call texts related to MOST, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang collaboration.


In all the Finland-China joint innovation calls, normal Business Finland funding principles are applied. The Chinese side follows their own funding principles, the details of which should be consulted directly from them. Below, main funding remarks related to the different calls are summarized.


For more specific information about the funding, please see the actual joint innovation call texts related to MOST, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang collaboration.


Both Finnish and Chinese sides must submit their own applications to their own countries and funding organizations indicated in the call texts. Furthermore, both sides should also fill in a call-specific Bilateral Cooperation Form including general details of the project.


In the Finland-China joint innovation calls, on the Finnish side normal Business Finland submission system is used.

Remember to select at the “Programmes and other connections” the “Suomi–Kiina-haku” (in English “Finland-China call”) option and write to the “Other campaign or reference information” the name of the call (i.e., “Shanghai call”, “Jiangsu call”, “Zhejiang call” or “MOST call”).

For more specific information about the submissions, please see the actual joint innovation call texts related to MOST, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang collaboration.


Step I:
1. Carefully read the call text (incl. eligibility, funding and submission information)
2. Consider are you ready for China (resources, market understanding, regulation)
3. Think what you really want and need (market entry, partners, customers, R&D)
Consult Business Finland already during this step, if needed!

Step II:
4. Prepare an initial project idea/plan with content, objectives, resources and budget
5. Identify what competencies/contributions you need from the Chinese partner(s)
6. Come to discuss with Business Finland (your Account Manager at Business Finland or any of the call contacts)
Consult Business Finland latest during this step!

Step III:
7. Initially check the IPR issues and protect your trademark, products, etc. if needed
8. Participate matchmakings and identify potential partners
9. Create a joint plan and improve your own plans (consult Business Finland)
10. Consider jointly and individually whether to go for a submission
Consult Business Finland also during this step, if needed!

Step IV:
11. Finalize the needed documents and agreements (incl. IPR) for the submission – check that all requirements are completed (consult Business Finland)
12. Make the submission on time
Consult Business Finland before the submission!

Contact us


Harriet Gullstén

Chief Funding Advisor
Helsinki, Finland
harriet.gullsten (at)
tel. +358 45 137 4809

Region East Asia

Mika Klemettinen

Trade and Innovation Consul, Head of Innovation, China
Shanghai, China
mika.klemettinen (at)
tel. +86 134 8274 6884


Renne Kaseva

Account Manager
Helsinki, Finland
renne.kaseva (at)
tel. +358 400 739 883

Region East Asia

Elisa Yu

Innovation Advisor
Shanghai, China
elisa.yu (at)
tel. +86 138 0174 4271