At the moment, there is no funding available.
The funding is intended for circular economy investments by companies operating in Finland that improve the level of environmental protection beyond EU standards or increase waste recycling through solutions above the current level of technological development. Funded circular economy investments contribute to the development of the circular economy in Finland.
Funding can be granted to companies of all sizes registered in Finland whose investments create conditions for growth in the circular economy and green growth, as well as growth in business operations and employment. To receive financing, a company must
Investments made in Finland with significant positive environmental impacts may receive funding. Investments must increase material circulation, create conditions for completely new circular economy business models, and promote business and employment growth in different sectors domestically and/or internationally. In order for an investment to be eligible for funding, it must directly contribute to increased recycling or to exceeding environmental standards.
The targets of funding can include
Funding will not be granted if
The provision of an investment grant is not appropriate if it is already possible to obtain a grant under another aid scheme. For example, projects related to energy saving or increased use of renewable energy are covered by aid for energy-related operations, and nutrient recycling projects can apply for funding under the nutrient recycling pilot program of the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY).
Financing may only be granted to companies operating in mainland Finland.
Financing may be granted for investments where an undertaking exceeds European Union standards applicable to operations or the current level of technological development in the sector. The eligible costs will be determined, where appropriate, by comparing the costs of the investment to be presented with the costs of an alternative solution in line with EU standards or the level of technological development of the sector. The funding can be used for work performed during the course of the project, which results from:
The funding is provided as a grant. The amount will be determined case-specifically on the basis of comparative calculations from the applicant company, unless EU standards or additional costs arising from a solution that exceeds the technical level of development in the sector can be identified separately from the total investment costs.
Maximum aid levels for additional investment costs:
The maximum amount of an individual grant may not exceed EUR 15 million per company and per project..
The financing does not burden the quota of the company’s de minimis program or the European Commission’s temporary aid scheme of EUR 1 800,000.
Costs of the project may be accepted for the period during which the instruments and services in question are used in the project and are directly linked to the investment project. Acceptable costs include:
The costs of the auditor’s report submitted in connection with the final report on the project may also be accepted for the services purchased.
Only reasonable and necessary costs for the project are accepted.
In cases where an investment project is funded by leasing, sub-payment or similar means, costs up to the purchase price of the acquisition may be accepted. Operating lease costs are not accepted – assets must be transferred to the ownership of the funding recipient at the end of the funding lease period.
If the beneficiary is liable to pay VAT, the VAT related to the costs is not an acceptable cost.
Eligible costs do not include, for example, the general expenses and travel costs of the recipient of the funding, the costs of sales and marketing, the costs of normal operations, banking and financial costs, or the costs of drawing up contracts.
The funding is applied for through Business Finland’s online service application Circular economy investment grant.
The application for funding must set out the solution that exceeds the standards. The report must indicate which EU standards the investment to be presented exceeds, and what would be a solution with equivalent capacity in line with EU standards or the level of technological development of the sector. In the application, the applicant must provide a report on the circular economy, climate, innovation and environmental impacts of the project. In addition, the applicant must state what their course of action will be if the funding is not granted. In addition, the application must include a description of the positive impact of the investment on the investor’s business operations and the number of jobs and indirect impact that the investment may have on other companies’ business operations.
The mandatory project plan to be appended to the funding application must provide comparative calculations of the costs of the investment to be applied for and the benchmark investment for the purpose of determining the eligible part, unless the costs of the additional eligible part can be identified separately from the total investment.